- 2002
Alfons Roig Award
Valencia County CouncilMadrid, Spain
- 1998
Gold Medal
Museum of Fine ArtsMadrid, Spain
- 1994
National Photography Award
Spanish Ministry of CultureMadrid, Spain
- 1993
Best Monographic Work
Thyssen Bornemisza MuseumMadrid, Spain
- 1992
"Best European Photographer" ICI Award
National Museum of Photography Film & TelevisionBradford, United-Kingdom
- 1978
Selected Photographer
Arles Photography FestivalArles, France
- 1966
Selected Photographer
Interpress PhotoMoscow, Russia
- 1963
Selected Photographer
Stern MagazineBerlin, Germany
- 1962
Gold Medal
Sandnes' International Photography ShowSandnes, Norway
- 1962
"10 Spanish Photographers in Paris"
French Tourism CouncilParis, France
- 1961
Luis Navarro "Vanguard Photography Trophy"
Catalan Photography AssociationBarcelona, Spain